What is LNG?
Natural gas (Methane-CH4) when cooled to -162ºC (-260ºF) becomes liquid and is called LNG
LNG is a clear, colourless, non-toxic liquid
LNG results in shrinkage of volume by 1/600 times that of natural gas
Used mainly in transportation of natural gas to demand centers which can’t be connected through pipeline infrastructure
LNG does not burn or explode as a liquid. It can only burn if vapourized into natural gas, mixed with a certain amount of air and then provided with a source of ignition.
Natural gas is lighter than air and will disperse into the atmosphere. LPG (Propane) vapours are heavier than air and tend to collect in low-lying locations where a combustible mixture is easily formed. This makes LNG safer than LPG.
When fuel concentration exceeds its upper flammability limit, it cannot burn because too little oxygen is present. (For example, in a closed, secure storage tank where the vapour concentration is approximately 100% methane.)
When fuel concentration is below the lower flammability limit, it cannot burn because too little methane is present. (An example is leakage of small quantities of LNG in a well-ventilated area. In this situation, the LNG vapour will rapidly mix with air and dissipate to less than 5% concentration.)